Keep on moving with Mat Pilates


We’ve taken our small Group Pilates classes back to the mat this May - back to where Joseph Pilates’ revolutionary practice began over a century ago. It’s true that we love to feel the burn on the Reformer, Cadillac and Chair, but we are seeing this temporary change as a positive: a chance to re-set and refine our practice. And mastering / revisiting the fundamental Pilates principles with Matwork is the perfect way to do it. Here’s why…

Get the most from every minute. To really maximise the benefits of a Pilates workout, you need to understand which muscles to engage during each exercise, how to engage them and how they work together to support your body as it moves. A good Mat Pilates instructor will help you to learn just that; providing you with the tools and strong foundation that you need to improve your strength, flexibility, mobility, posture and more.

Stay safe & injury-free. Moving too quickly, with poor form or with too much resistance can set you back on your Pilates journey. That’s why it is so important to lay the groundwork first. By focusing on muscular control, proper alignment and a solid mind-body connection, you can master each exercise on the mat before upping the ante with challenging apparatus.

Support your body’s individuality. The versatility of Mat Pilates exercises mean that - whatever your age or ability - you can exercise and push yourself in a way that is within your body’s limits. This is particularly important if you are pre/post-natal, in need of physical rehabilitation or recovering from injury.

Keep on progressing. Exercising with just your body-weight doesn’t mean you can’t see progress - it can actually end up being even more challenging! Advanced modifications, more repetitions and a faster pace are just some of the ways that your instructor will programme your sessions to ensure you keep seeing and feeling yourself improve.

Move more efficiently. Mat Pilates teaches you to initiate movement from the core (power-house) and conditions your muscles for optimal movement. This, in turn, improves self-awareness and builds a strong and functional body. As well as being fundamental for healthy ageing, you’ll feel the benefits of this in all aspects of daily life - from training for a marathon, to carrying the grocery bags to simply keeping up with the kids.

Mindfulness & self-care. Your mental health is as important as the physical, so this is your chance to re-connect with yourself - spending time on the mat that is totally yours. The controlled movements and breath-work of Pilates have long been shown to improve mood, sleep, stress levels and productivity. And that’s before mentioning those post-practice endorphins! As Joseph Pilates himself said, “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”

Return to the Reformer. Going back to the foundations of Pilates will help to boost your performance ready for when you can get back on the apparatus. The more comfortable you are with the movements, the more you can challenge your body with new equipment and resistance.

All the same benefits! Remember, Mat Pilates delivers all the same benefits that you’re used to getting from the Reformer and other equipment. You can get stronger, more flexible, sculpt a lean physique, have better posture, improve your mobility, and boost your immune system - all from attending Mat Pilates classes a few times a week. So there’s no excuse! ;)

Ready to join us on the mat? Check out our temporary Mat Pilates Class Schedule here, and don’t forget to bring your own mat! Click here to see full details on our revised Precautionary Measures for Group Classes and Private Sessions in the studio. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.

If you fancy an at-home Pilates session to ease tight muscles, reduce tension and leave you feeling rejuvenated, check out these 5 Pilates moves you can do at home!